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Rachel Whitwell nude pictures

The WORLDS HOTTEST SCHOOL TEACHER, Rachel Whitwell?..........

Picture, glamour model and teacher, Rachel Whitwell of New Zealand.
...Pictures of Rachel Whitwell below....

A school teacher who appeared in a riskay glamour model photo shoot for a men'smagazine, Rachel Whitwell, has been investigated by the New Zealand Teacher Council.

The elementary school aged teacher, Rachel Whitwell's photo shoot in an Australian adult magazine has raised eyebrows even in the very liberal New Zealand.

The single Primary School teacher, Rachel Whitwell can be seen in six mind bogglingly awesome photos including 4 showing all skin, no cover.

In the magazin, 27-year-old Rachel Whitwell boasts about her career as a children'steacher as well as her other saucy exploits.

"I am a 26-year-old single school teacher from New Zealand that would love to get into modelling," RachelWhitwell, using the nickname Lexy, says in an Australian adult magazine.

Scroll below for amazing Rachel Whitwell pictures.....

The Aukland teacher, Rachel
Whitwell even goes on to talk about her time as a writing erotic stories. Rachel Whitwell also runs and owns her own pole dancing studio.

A spokesperson for the New Zealand Teachers council expressed concern over the photographic
appearance by Rachel Whitwell in the men's publications.

Peter Lind from the NZ Teachers
Council said of Rachel Whitwell: "What is private and what is public is always a grey area but when they intersect we investigate.

"When a teacher is in the public arena we must say that it does impact on their ability to do their job."

Reports said Rachel
Whitwell is registered to teach until September 2011, but currently is not employed in a teaching capacity as she brings up her young daughter.

In the ours after grabbing international news headlines, Rachel Whitwell wrote a
thank you not on her personal Facebook page for all the support she had been recieving: "Thank you to everyone who has sent me nice supportive messages," Rachel wrote on her Facebook update.

" I would like to reply to everyone but have had quite a few and now off too bed. Once again Thank you xx

Pictures: New Zealand teacher, glamour model, the beautiful Rachel Whitwell:

Kiwi school teacher and glamour model Rachel Whitwell causes a stir down under....


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